Reason #1 for (not) starting a B&B is privacy
You regularly receive guests in your personal living environment. This, of course, comes at the expense of your privacy. Of course, for those who enjoy being among people at home (for a long time) as well, that’s not a bad thing. But do you like to retreat to the couch at night and don’t like to be disturbed in the process? Then starting a B&B may not be the best choice.
Reason #2 for (not) starting a B&B is the freedom
Many dream of having their own business. Certainly the idea of having your own B&B evokes romantic feelings. Although you can manage your own time, because you decide whether to take reservations; guests often book ahead of time, thus setting your schedule. By the time the invitation to your best friend’s birthday arrives on the mat, your calendar is sometimes long booked as a result. So if you want a weekend rest, you will have to plan this in time. Besides the Bed (make up), there is, of course, the Breakfast part. Do you like sleeping in on weekends? Then a B&B might not be so convenient. Still, there are solutions if you’re not exactly an early riser: outsource breakfast to a nearby lunchroom that serves your guests. Or provide coffee and tea facilities, and have a juice and some sandwiches with toppings ready in a small fridge in the room. This also gives you and the guests another piece of privacy right away.
Reason #3 for (not) starting a B&B is the money
You won’t get really rich from a Bed & Breakfast anytime soon. There is quite a lot of competition and most B&Bs have occupancy rates significantly lower than hotels. Running a B&B is more than just making the beds and providing breakfast. If you want to make a living out of your B&B, you will need to write a business plan along with a plan for marketing and finances. Only then can your plan really succeed. On the other hand; if you eventually have the B&B running well, then a small B&B can at least provide a nice side income. Do you take it more seriously, with more than 3 comfortable rooms and private bathrooms for guests? Then you may even be able to make it your profession.
Want to get off to a flying start? Then you can take over an existing B&B !